Draw a Line? Or Build a Bridge?

by Wayne Cordeiro on April 22, 2024

Good morning, and a happy Monday! It is April 22, 2024. David was anointed King in 1 Samuel 16:13, but he didn’t immediately take the throne. He went back to tending sheep, and it would be another 19 chapters before he took his place as King. In the span of those chapters, David faced successive tests and challenges that would build his faith, character, and virtue. He knew when to draw lines and when to build bridges. Read on …

Today's Reading:

1 Samuel 25,26; Psalm 63; Matthew 9


“… ‘Do not destroy him, for who can stretch out his hand against the Lord’s anointed and be without guilt?’ David also said, ‘As the Lord lives, surely the Lord will strike him, or his day will come that he dies, or he will go down into battle and perish.’” (1 Samuel 26:9-10)


David was a warrior, and Saul could have had quite a fight. I’m sure Saul would have ended up with thousands of casualties from David’s guerilla warriors. However, instead of entering the fight, David refrained. Even though any court in the land would accept David’s counter-attack as “self-defense,” he refrained. He shows his restraint, not once, but twice. 

He even had to overcome the suggestions of his troops in their attempt to convince him that Saul was a sitting duck and that it was time to draw a line and be done with Saul once and for all. Yet, David was convinced that the hand of God would put him on the throne… and not his own.


To me, this would be one of the toughest tests to pass. Often, the greater victory is not winning a challenge but refraining from it. Leaders are known for rising to challenges, but the better leaders are the ones who know how to refrain from them.  

In the previous chapter, Abigail was praised for her ability to soothe David's angry heart so that he would have the wisdom and restraint to circumvent a challenge. Strong leaders know when to rise to challenges and when to refrain from them altogether. They know when to draw lines … and when to build bridges. Otherwise, we will draw a line where we should have built a bridge, or we will build a bridge where we should have drawn a line.

David knew.


Father, would you impart that to me? Show me when to build bridges and when to draw lines.  Grant me the heart of David and the wisdom to serve Your people well.  

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