Are You Happy?

by Wayne Cordeiro on July 16, 2024

Happy Tuesday! It is July 16, 2024.  Welcome to day #2 of our 30-day challenge! Take the time to build a “sacred enclosure” around your root system. Otherwise, you will get trampled by the foot traffic of demands and old habits that hold us hostage. The truth that will set you free, and as John 17 tells us: “Thy Word is Truth!” Read daily, and read on...

Today's Reading:

Isaiah 25,26,27,28; Hebrews 13


“Let your character be free from the love of money, being content with what you have, for He Himself has said, ‘I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.’” (Hebrews 13:5)


Our character is the core, the motive, and the spirit with which we do what we do. It identifies us more than our clothes, background, or education. However, our character can be colored by insecurity, greed, fear, defensiveness, pride, lethargy, selfishness, or the love of money.  Here, the writer of Hebrews gives us the antidote to having our character bound up inside us. The debilitation is caused by the low-grade fever of the “desire for more.”  Psalm 16:6 says, “The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places...”  In other words, whatever I have, and however things fall, I am good with it, for God is in control, and I trust Him more than circumstances. Contentment says: “I am satisfied with the way God is treating me during this time of my life.” I trust in what God has allotted to me in this season.


I am content—with my lot in life, with my family, job, car, and house. I am content with my body, my height, and my looks. Of course, I will improve daily what I have been given, but I will not be discontent until then. Otherwise, I will always be looking for something else, and contentment will never arrive.

When Howard Hughes, the billionaire, was asked, “How much is enough?” his answer was, “Just a little bit more!” He died lonely and unfulfilled. He was someone who was always looking for the party and never finding it.

If I am a student, a newlywed, a trainee, or an intern, I may have little, but I am content. I am satisfied with the way God is treating me during this season because He knows what is best and sees much further ahead than I can. Contentment breeds gratitude, and gratitude increases trust.


Heavenly Father, thank You for always being so faithful in reminding me about things important to my life. You have been so kind and patient with me during my slow seasons of growth. May I take a moment to tell You how grateful I am for Your grace?

There is none like You. No one else could touch my heart like You do! I could search for eternity and find that there is none like You!

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