Why Are You Suffering?

by Wayne Cordeiro on July 24, 2024

Good morning, and happy Wednesday.  It is July 24, 2024. I hate suffering! But although suffering is inevitable, what’s more important will be the reason for why we are suffering. That makes all the difference.  Read on …

Today's Reading:

Isaiah 40,41,42; 1 Peter 3


“For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.” (1 Peter 3:17)


Suffering is not optional. We wish it were. We spend millions of dollars to avoid, ignore, and try to get immunized against it, but we cannot be immune from it. Suffering is often linked to something negative, and pain is referenced as bad. However, we forget that if all pain and suffering were removed, we wouldn’t have a life here on Earth.

Much good can come from pain and suffering. When a child is born, it comes into this world through pain. When you get a speck of dirt in your eye, pain signals you to do something about it. When you have a virus, pain signals a need for rest or medication.


Pain and suffering are inevitable. However, Peter tells us that we can choose what we suffer for! A mother suffers because she is giving life, or a person can suffer because he is doing evil.  In verse 17, Peter says that since we are going to suffer, we should suffer for doing right, not wrong! Don’t make suffering a consequence of stupidity. Instead …

  • Suffer when you choose to restrain angry words!
  • Suffer when someone is hurting you, and it forces you to pray.
  • Suffer when you don’t want to obey, but you do anyway.  
  • Suffer when you have to put your flesh to death, and it pains you. 


Father, I pray that when I suffer—and it is inevitable that I will—that I suffer to make things better and because I am obeying You. May it never be because I am wrapped up in sin and experiencing its consequences. Teach me to suffer as You did.

“To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” -1 Peter 2:21 

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