Two Sides of the Promise

by Wayne Cordeiro on May 23, 2023

Good morning. It's Tuesday, May 23, 2023. Have you ever been promised something that wasn't fulfilled? Now, a second question: Did you fulfill your end of the promise? Most promises can be better defined as a 'covenantal promise'... a promise with two sides. Read on...

Today's Reading:
2 Chronicles 6,7; Psalms 135; Romans 4


“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. This is why ‘it was credited to him as righteousness.’” (Romans 4:20-22)


There are more than 7,000 promises in the Bible. Each comes with appropriate conditions, but each is still a promise, not a 'wage' nor an entitlement. For example, a college will promise a full-ride scholarship. What a gift! The condition? You must maintain at least a 2.75 GPA to remain 'worthy' of that promise. Abraham not only maintained a 2.75 GPA, but he was also so grateful that he far exceeded that. And even though he had no money for tuition, he still enrolled in another term because of the promise of a scholarship. His behavior, drive, and decisions were all influenced by the promise.


There were times when Abraham didn't have much, but he had his eyes on something far greater than temporary pleasures. Like Abraham, we get to be people of the promise, and our gratefulness will be shown in how we live. God's promises will guide, motivate, and inspire us each time we rehearse them.

In tough times, I will remember the promise of His provision and care, and ruminating on them will refocus my thoughts and reinvigorate my faith. I must know His promises and rehearse them, just as Solomon did.

I can see the two sides:

“Lord, the God of Israel, you who keep your covenant of love with your servants - who continue wholeheartedly in your way. You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it”
2 Chron. 6:14-15


Dear Father, thank You for Your promises. Forgive me for the many times I sloughed off on my end and still expected the promise to be fulfilled. During those times, I was simply lazy and entitled. I am so grateful for Your promises, for they are true! Help me to understand both sides of the promise and walk into its fulfillment... in partnership with You.

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