The Outlaster

by Wayne Cordeiro on October 20, 2022

Well, I can’t believe it, but I turn 70 today! Happy Thursday. It’s October 20, 2022. I am fully convinced that 70 is the new 50. I tried retiring a few times but failed at each attempt! So, I figure that I will just find my new pace and outlast the creaks and pains! Job was an Outlaster too, and in Job 6, he reveals his secret. Read on …

Today's Reading:

Job 6,7,8; Acts 12


"Oh that my request might come to pass, and that God would grant my longing! Would that God were willing to crush me, that He would loose His hand and cut me off! But it is still my consolation, and I rejoice in unsparing pain, that I have not denied the words of the Holy One." (Job 6: 8-10)


Job was human. His pain brought him to the edge, and he even asked God to lift His hand off his life. He groaned. He was bewildered. His confusion made things even more unbearable. He was without direction, and his frustrated wife encouraged him to slide further downward with her nightly tirades: "Why don't you just curse God and die!" But Job kept one thing very sacred … and that is he would not deny the Lord and His words. Oh yes, he might groan and question, but he'd never say, "That's it with God. I'm done serving Him."


We often forget that we're human. Sometimes, if a Christian groans, we conclude that they must be unspiritual. But that is absolutely not true! They're not unspiritual. They're just very human and suffering from a bad case of the "normals."  

But here is the secret to a brighter ending: Refuse to deny God and His words. 

Regardless of how you feel or how confused you are, in the end, "God will be proven true, and every man a liar" (Ro. 3:4).  

God is truth no matter what we think, what naysayers proclaim, or what scientists postulate.

We keep one thing close—and this is to be our consolation—that we have not denied the words of the Holy One!


Dear Jesus, this, too, is my commitment. I might writhe, struggle and wrestle, but this is my consolation — I will never deny You, no matter what. I know that regardless of the accusations, doubts, reports, or what our fickle society says … in the end, You'll be standing when all else has fallen!

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