The Finish Line

by Wayne Cordeiro on May 25, 2023

Good morning. It’s Thursday, May 25, 2023. It all comes down to the finish line. It’s easy to start, but the results will be at the end. A leadership expert, Bobby Clinton, says that only 30% of leaders end well. Solomon fell out of that 30% even though he started in the upper 1%. Read on … 

Today's Reading:
1 Kings 10,11; 2 Chronicles 9; Romans 6


“For it came about that when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods and his heart was not wholly devoted to the Lord his God as the heart of David his father had been … and Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the Lord.” (1 Kings 11:1-6)


Solomon finished poorly

God gave him great influence and power, and when that happened, like most of us, he fooled himself into thinking that he was invincible and exempt from the consequences of violating God’s laws. The first thing he lost was courage … he lost the courage to stand up to his many wives. Maybe a few were more vocal, beautiful, and alluring than the others. By the way, he had 700 of them! (I see it as a success if I can stick with one!) 


Never let influence, money, fame, or position make you feel as if you're exempt from God's laws. His principles are constant, and although they are grace-filled and broad, we still get to live within them. 

Love His guidelines and His ways; they're for our benefit, blessings, and legacy.


Solomon started his reign by asking God for wisdom, but he finished poorly. He had so much potential! Father, may I never believe that I am exempt from Your ways. May I continue to strive to follow You and seek Your favor in all areas of my life.

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