Standing Near the Door

by Wayne Cordeiro on April 23, 2024

Good morning! It’s Tuesday, April 23, 2024. Ever get close to winning but lose it at the last second? We’ve all said, “I could have gotten a better score,” “I would have made that golf shot,” or “caught that fish … IF…” We can all fill in the blank because we know how it feels to have been “just that close!” Today, Jesus tells us that getting near is not good enough, and He isn’t talking about a game. He's talking about eternity. Read on …

Today's Reading:

1 Samuel 27; Psalm 141; 1 Chronicles 9; Matthew 10


“As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’” (Matthew 10:11)


This is the initial sending forth of the disciples. Armed with the Gospel and authorized by the Master, they were to go to the “lost sheep of Israel.” Although the promise of the Messiah was first issued to the Israelites, they had gotten lost and were wandering. Later, the Lord would include the Gentiles, but first, He said to call those who knew about God and His promises but had gotten lost. To these, the “Kingdom of God” was near, not far off. Near! They just wandered outside and couldn’t find the door to get back in, so Jesus told the disciples to help them find their way in!

In John 10, Jesus said, “I am the Door.”


I wonder how many are close to the Kingdom but can’t quite find the Door?  

The Kingdom is near, yet many stumble as if in the dark, looking for someone to give them direction. Jesus is the Door that people are searching for. The Kingdom of God has come near … to our city, family, and community, so we must be those who stand near the Door. 

Sam Shoemaker wrote a poem titled: “I Stand At the Door.”  (You can read it by clicking on the title.)  It has shaped my perspective and ministry.  

I want to stand near the Door, personally and missionally. I pray that for our church, too. The Kingdom of God has come near to our community. We must be there to help as many as we can find their way to Him and enter in.


Father, I am happy to serve as a doorkeeper to the Kingdom. Please help us show many the Door. We shall stand near You so we can usher many … the way in!

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