One Priority

by Wayne Cordeiro on April 19, 2024

Happy Friday. It is April 19, 2024. Matthew 5-7 has more “red letter” verses than any other portion in the New Testament. It records the actual words of Jesus. In today’s reading, He distinguishes between the eternal and the temporal. Of course, we need to pay attention to both, but only when we define one priority will everything else come into balance. If not, it will be like a tire that is out of round or unbalanced. You can still travel down roads, even smooth roads, but it will be bumpy all the way! Read on …

Today's Reading:

1 Samuel 22; Psalm 17; Psalm 35; Matthew 6


“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:33-34)


It’s like the hub of a bicycle wheel that connects all the spokes at its core. If the hub is not exactly in the center, the tire will be out of round, and the whole bicycle will wobble and buck. In this chapter, Jesus addresses the many facets of life that we must keep in balance, and Jesus ends the chapter with one priority—four words that bring life back into balance: “Seek First the Kingdom …”


Like the many spokes of a bicycle wheel, we each possess multiple desires that drive us. These include the desire for a better life, more financial stability, a better car, career, relationship, and so much more. We can become inundated by our hopes and dreams, fulfilled and unfulfilled—some good and some fleeting. But how do you keep all these competing desires in balance? How do you keep your relationships and your energy from being hijacked by them? 

The key is not to eliminate all those desires. It's not about denial or embracing poverty. The real solution is this - Make your greatest desire to serve the purposes of God! 

When this becomes our greatest desire and foremost aspiration, all other desires will take their appropriate places! 

The Psalmist said: "Magnify the Lord with me. Let us exalt His name together!" (Ps. 34:3)

When we magnify the problems, the things of God seem to shrink. But when we magnify the Lord and exalt Him, when we seek His purposes first, then everything takes its proper place. 

Balance returns. 


Father, I choose to seek first the Kingdom and Your righteousness, and then I know all the other things that compete for my attention will be added at their proper time. Keep me balanced and focused on the one priority You deem most important. My utmost prayer is this: 

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, and I will not fear - for You will give us each day our daily bread!

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