My Hope is Built

by Wayne Cordeiro on November 30, 2023

It’s November 30, 2023. Welcome to the last day of November. It’s sort of strange—even though we are in the middle of winter with rain on the way, we can still be 'dry.' I mean physically. The forecast calls for showers, but we still need to lather on the moisturizer because our skin is drying out! It may be pouring outside, but I still need to drink more water! It can happen spiritually too. Our lives are full, so why do we feel so empty? The Lord rains down blessings, so why do I feel dry? What does that signify? Read on…

Today's Reading:

Romans 1,2,3,4


“Against all hope, Abraham, in hope, believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Romans 4:18)


He could have easily given up. The odds were against him, but "hope against hope," he kept believing. When things got dry, he kept pursuing, just like Joseph. In an Egyptian prison, Joseph anchored his soul to the hope that God never fails. The Lord knew exactly where He was. I bet Joseph had to reset his hope in God again and again. There were times he set his hopes on "hopefully" being released or "hopefully" being acquitted. But that’s not where our hope should be set.

Isaiah 40:31 reminds us:"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."


Amid the dry times, it’s easy to misplace or even lose hope. Things may not be as exciting. The mundane creeps in, and what used to be fun is now more like work. However, when I feel like I am losing strength, it may be a sign that I’ve been putting my hope in the wrong places. I cannot put my hope in people; they will disappoint. I cannot base my hope on how I feel because no one has a permanent address on Cloud Nine.

Abraham showed us the way. Joseph did too, and David even reproved his feelings when they tried to deter him from trusting God.

"Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:11)


Lord, how often do I need to re-set my hope back on You! It can easily get transferred to that which will not hold. Teach me never to pull up anchor when the waves are battering my hull. In those times, I must ensure that my anchor holds fast!  

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure…” -Heb. 6:19

PS: By the way, this Sunday’s message will be titled: “Hope is our Anchor.” Join us online or in person at New Hope West!

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