Gotta Be An Outlaster

by Wayne Cordeiro on July 21, 2022

A warm morning to you! It’s summertime at its best. Today is Thursday, July 21st, 2022. Happy Anniversary to my son Aaron and his beautiful wife, Uilani! We sure love you both!

How many times do you think you will want to call it quits in your lifetime? Once? Twice? How about several dozen times? But those moments are defining moments…instances when you can either leap forward in your growth or trade those “leaps” for “losses.” There is one specific discipline that you must develop very early on that will give you the edge. What is that? Read on…

Today's Reading:

2 Kings 18,19; 2 Chronicles 32; James 5


 “Behold, we count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful.” (James 5:11)


It doesn’t sound very spiritual, but sometimes, you just gotta outlast ‘em! Sometimes we need less “wish-bone” and more “back-bone!” It doesn’t sound very religious—no Holy Ghost glow, no reverb voices—but sometimes, you just gotta’ stay steady. You must outlast your critics (on the outside and inside) and keep smiling. Hebrews 10:36 reminds us: “For you have need of endurance, for after you have done the will of God, you will receive what was promised.”


Endurance is necessary, even when doing the will of God! After agreeing to His bidding, you'd think that all of heaven would smile, and you'd be immediately rewarded with a celestial care package. I thought that all you had to do was say "yes" to Jesus, and everything would automatically come up roses! And then, to add to the celebration, everyone would applaud when you'd enter a room.  

Sorry to disappoint you; that's not the way it goes. 

We will need to do His will and then ... endure! Stay steady even when there are no trumpets and no confetti. Even when there's no shining light and no "well done my good and faithful servant"… (not yet, anyway). Instead, when it's replaced by condescending voices reminding you that you should be at the bottom of the food chain, we must outlast them all! 

And that's just what I plan to do!


Lord, thank You for this practical lesson! I guess I’m a plodder; I always have been. But, during Your short stay on earth, You outlasted the critics and the naysayers, and the result was redemption! Please help me to do the same. May I be like you and be an “Outlaster.” 

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