God Tithes!

by Wayne Cordeiro on July 17, 2024

Good morning! It is July 17, 2024. The book of James was so formative in my early years that I committed this chapter to memory. It still guides me in many ways. As I read it through twice each year, God has never failed to reveal new truths each time. Today, we discuss how to enroll in God’s plan, not just discuss it or study it. Want to enroll? Read on…

Today's Reading:

Isaiah 29,30,31; James 1


“In the exercise of His will, He brought us forth by the word of truth so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures. (James 1:18)


God has many treasures. He created angels. He created mountains, trees, hills, rivers, stars, and planets. But after creating these, He kept them under His control. They were not given free will.  However, God’s first fruits, or what the Bible calls the “tithe,” are given their own will!

And what is His tithe? That’s us! Humankind! We are His “first fruits” among His creation!


God “tithed” when we were created. We are His “first fruits,” and now, He gives us the free will to do the same. He gives mankind “choice” because He wants us to love Him with all our hearts. Love is not love without choice. If someone is forced to love, or if love is demanded, it is not love. It might look like it, but it is only a veneer, a fake. Love is only love when it is my choice, and God gave us free will so we can truly love God with all our hearts, not just fake it.

When I choose to tithe out of my own free will, I express my love for God and His purposes on this earth. With my free will offering, I enroll in His program by continuing the process He began. As I freely choose to give my first fruits (instead of consuming them), His plan for salvation doesn’t end. It keeps going through me!

If He gave His tithe and I was created and redeemed, I will do the same so His purposes can continue! So many more are yet to be saved and redeemed, and through my tithes, those programs can continue!

Otherwise, we talk about it, sing about it, pray about it, but we never take the crucial step of enrolling.


Oh God, may I be faithful to You. I am beginning to understand Your ways, and I choose to be like You in every way. Thank You for revealing Yourself through the Word that I may know You, see You, and truly love You!

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