Finding Wisdom

by Wayne Cordeiro on November 05, 2024

Happy Tuesday! It’s November 5, 2024, and election day in the USA. My prayer is that we will be wise in casting our ballots for the person who will help pave a four-year pathway for the Gospel. It’s less about our economy, the border, or the wars. In the end, what will matter most is this: that God’s purposes are advanced and the lost are reached. Read on…

Today's Reading:

Job 28,29; Galatians 1,2


“But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell? … And he said: ‘The fear of the Lord — that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.’” (Job 28:12, 28)


Wisdom is found in the fear of the Lord and turning away from evil. To fear the Lord is to have a deep respect for God that leads me to shun evil—not merely “barely escaping” it, but, like Joseph, fleeing from it!

No debate.
No consideration.
No deliberation.

I am learning how precious it is to fear Him, respect Him, and love Him. It means never letting the thought even cross my mind that I could live, breathe, or exist without Him. When I truly fear God, He delights in caring for and keeping me in His grace.


If children loved, respected, and honored their fathers, both in public and in private, that father would make certain his children never went without. He would ensure they never needed to worry. Everything he had would be gladly provided for their futures—even their children would be cared for!

And so it is with the Lord.


Lord, I have one life to give You. I wish I had ten, but this life is my only gift. To steward it properly, I will need a great amount of wisdom and deep understanding. Thank You for revealing how these can be made available to us. We gladly accept!

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