Considering Kindness and Sternness

by Wayne Cordeiro on May 30, 2023

Good morning. It is Tuesday, May 30, 2023. We know that God is all loving and full of grace, but that does not mean He is all lenient and tolerates rebellion. It’s easy to define God as either totally condemning or completely passive. Neither is correct. We must gain an accurate view of a loving God who has established parameters, guardrails, and clear lines that define in-bounds and out-of-bounds. Read on … 

Today's Reading:
Proverbs 13,14,15; Romans 11


“Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.” (Romans 11:22)


God is a merciful Lord, but He has also established foul lines. We recognize foul lines in sports such as football, baseball, basketball, and other events. However, when it comes to God, the world, and sometimes even Christians, often cross these boundaries without any consideration of the consequences. Consequently, we tend to fashion a lenient and indulgent god, while others may sculpt a god of legalism with sharp edges that divide even the innocent. Remember, the devil doesn't care which side of the boat you fall off; so long as you fall off!


In order to understand the heart of God, we must see Him as He really is. He is both kind and stern. He is merciful to those who repent but a strict judge to those who are intentionally wayward. He is kind to those who choose to surrender to His Lordship, but He is austere to the immoral.  

Hint: Learn where the boundary lines are. Stay within His kindness and “don’t move the ancient boundaries which our fathers have set” (Pr. 22:28).


Father, help me see You as You really are, and guide me so that I learn what it means to “continue in Your kindness.” 

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