After the Curtain Falls

by Wayne Cordeiro on April 26, 2024

Good morning, and happy Friday. It is April 26, 2024. There are so many poignant lessons to choose from in Matthew 13, Psalms, and 2 Samuel 1! But let's linger a bit on David's response to King Saul's demise. Watch for clues as to why God called him "a man after my own heart." Those qualities don't always show up under the lights. They are often revealed after the curtain falls. Read on … 

Today's Reading:

2 Samuel 1; Psalm 140; Matthew 13


"David took up this lament concerning Saul and his son Jonathan, and he ordered that the people of Judah be taught this lament … 'A gazelle lies slain on your heights, Israel.  How the mighty have fallen!'" (2 Samuel 1:17-19)


David must have been exhausted. He just chased down the Amalekites who raided his town, left it in ashes, and he had barely rescued his family. Then, he had to deal with annoyed warriors when the others refused to go into the battle against the enemy because they were too tired. 

Then, the news is delivered that King Saul and his sons were killed in battle. Most would proclaim, “good riddance.” Saul’s vengeful pursuit had finally ended. It should have been a time to celebrate!  

But not David.  

David declined the many chances he had to end Saul’s life when it was in his power to do so. He refused to judge the one who hunted him down. He lived by and stayed true to the principles he proclaimed to others.


It's always easier to preach the cross than it is to carry it.

Living incongruently in today's world seems normal; politicians make promises that are never kept, and preachers proclaim principles they don't live by. Jesus said of the religious leaders - "Be careful to do everything they tell you. But don't follow their example because they don't practice what they preach." (Matt. 23:3)

David was predictable and consistent, which made him trustworthy. Who he was in the spotlight was who he was after the curtain closed.  

Jesus is predictable and trustworthy—there is no second guessing. Even when we cannot understand His ways, we can trust His heart. Everything He does represents His great love. There are no underlying motives. There are no second agendas.  

At the cross, the Father tore the curtain apart as if to remind us of the divine necessity of being true on both sides. 


Lord Jesus, help me proclaim Your Word in mighty ways on the stage of life but then help me to live the same … after the curtain falls.  

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