Happy Friday! Today is February 9, 2024, and it’s Super Bowl weekend. I recall a high school cheer that went: "Stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight!" Some of us excel at the "fight, fight, fight" part; that’s all we know. Others possess the gumption to stand up, while there are those who simply prefer to sit down. However, our life in Christ necessitates all of the above. How, then, do we discern when to do what? Read on…
Today's Reading:
Leviticus 10,11,12; Acts 16
"Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region … having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. They tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them. So, they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia begging him, “Come and help us." (Acts 16:6-9)
Paul knocked on the door that led to the province of Minor. There was nothing wrong with knocking on doors, but the Holy Spirit kept them closed, along with Bithynia and Mysia. Then, a door opened to Greece; soon, greater parts of Europe would be reached with the Gospel! From that directive came the books of Philippians, Corinthians, Galatians, Colossians, and later the book of Romans!
I wonder what would have happened if Paul had forced his way into the first three. Or what if the doors weren't locked, but the Holy Spirit still said "No"? There is nothing wrong with knocking on doors as long as we don't let ourselves in just because we can.
Paul may have had to deal with a bit of discouragement, but a little discouragement doesn't mean something's wrong. Disappointment is not necessarily disobedience. Paul traded his expectations for God's, and the results were far greater than he ever expected!
The Holy Spirit is not simply a divine Permission Giver but also a Gate-Keeper. He empowers, but He also forbids. He releases, but He also restrains. We have been taught that God's Spirit gives us the strength and stamina to overcome, but we must also be reminded that He gives us the same ability to refrain. He enables us to stand up, but He also enables us to sit down, to fight, and to stop fighting. He empowers us to speak up and, at times... to shut up.
We each tend to do things just because we can. However, we need more than energy and gumption. We need wisdom, insight, and the ability to pivot when the Holy Spirit calls an audible.
Although Jesus could have done anything He wanted to, we find these words: "The Son can do nothing of Himself. He can do only what He sees the Father doing because whatever the Father does, the Son does also." - John 5:19
Father, please forgive me for the times I have done something just because I could, regardless of what You were saying. Teach me to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading as a Permission Giver and, sometimes, as the Gate Keeper. Please grant me the wisdom to know the difference and when to … stand up, sit down, or fight, fight, fight.