God's Conversion Rate

by Wayne Cordeiro on January 16, 2023

Today begins a brand-new week. It’s Monday, January 16, 2023. God loves to convert something from a lower state into a higher state. It’s His M .O. Everything He creates has that “ability to convert” in its very DNA. Here, Jesus teaches His disciples about one of the highest conversion rates found today - and it’s not found in banks or the stock market. Read on …

Today's Reading:

Genesis 39,40,41; Luke 16


“I say to you, make friends for yourself by means of wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they will receive you into the eternal dwellings.” (Luke 16:9)


If you look around you, much of God’s creation has to do with “conversion.” Here are a few examples: 

  • The air collects moisture, and when it gets heavy, it becomes a cloud. Raise the clouds, pack them against a mountain, and they will convert humidity into rain. What otherwise would have been a muggy day is converted into life-giving water to make vegetation grow. 
  • Trees can be planted in filthy dirt. As they grow, they convert dirt’s best elements and minerals into luscious, life-giving fruit that is pure and edible. They redeemed dirt into fruit.  
  • Plant leaves take in carbon dioxide (which can kill) and, through photosynthesis, converts it into oxygen that gives life and breath!
  • Our bodies … given grain, vegetation, and meat, will convert what otherwise would have only rotted into nutrition for muscles that spawn life and energy.


Converting and redeeming are part of God’s modus operandi, and He places that same calling into each of us. Verse eight says the master praised the unrighteous steward … because he made friends by way of mammon. In other words, he redeemed money for relationships. He converted earthly coupons with an expiration date for relationships that lasted forever! I, too, must learn to take what will expire and convert it for eternal purposes!  


Lord, please teach me to be a person of conversion … one who understands that part of the way You created me was for redemption. I want to be one who has been redeemed and redeems … not only one who has been converted but one who converts!

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