"AWAKENED"...Not Woke

by Wayne Cordeiro on December 05, 2023

Happy Tuesday! It is December 5, 2023. It’s all around us. We can’t ignore it. We need to face it courageously! It’s the reality of the last days, which come replete with counterfeits and impersonations. We can get taken in, or we can stand fast as authentic followers of Christ who refuse to negotiate with the adversary. Read on…

Today's Reading:

Ephesians 5,6; Psalms 119:1-80


“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of the light… Have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness …. It is shameful to even mention what the disobedient do in secret… that is why it is said, ‘Awake oh sleeper; rise from the dead, and Christ will shine upon you’” (Ephesians 5:8,11,13-14)


In these last days, counterfeits will increase. These forgeries will imitate God and rewrite the scriptures until they endorse and even celebrate the very things that Jesus died for. In Ephesians, the Lord sounds the alarm clock to awaken the Church to these dangerous fabrications. 

There’s a big difference between the “woke” Church and the “AWAKENED” Church! One rises while the other is asleep. One reflects the Light. The other obscures it. 

One is poor grammar. The other is the answer to eternity’s final exam.  


The sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32 were those who "understood the times and knew what Israel should do." Statistics tell us that 80% of those who receive Christ are between the ages of 5 and 20. The probability of those accepting Jesus after that drops to 20%. No wonder the enemy targets the young! If he could keep them away from faith, it would impede the future of the Church!

But he will not!

Our greatest mission field is the next generation, and now is the time for the Church to act before our future becomes our past!


Father, please awaken Your Church. The time is now. Open our eyes to know Your Word. Help us to “understand the times and know what Israel should do!” May the trumpet of the Lord sound a morning reveille so that the light of Christ will rouse many young leaders to the call of God.

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