Happy Wednesday. It is November 30, 2022, the last day of November! What do you have that God has blessed you with? Why did He give those blessings to you? I bet Abraham wondered that. He was probably the wealthiest person in his country. However, in the end, he would not be known for his wealth. Instead, he would be known as the “father of our faith.” Why? Read on…
Today's Reading:
Romans 1,2,3,4
“God … who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist … and without becoming weak in the faith, Abraham contemplated His own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, being fully assured that what He had promised, He was able also to perform.” (Romans 4:17, 20-22)
What would it be like if God gave you a project with an unlimited budget? You could purchase whatever you wanted, and the cost was no concern, but the only catch is that it’s your assignment. It can’t be delegated or put off.
Now let’s say it was a construction project to build an estate. So naturally, you bought the best materials and even the most technologically advanced tools; if they didn’t have what you wanted, they’d make it! But here’s the catch: your goal is not to end up with state-of-the-art materials and tools. It’s to complete the project! And if you acquire the best, you must learn to use it, operate it, and put it into action … for the goal is not to display your accumulations and gain a reputation that you own a lot of stuff. It is to finish what you’ve been commissioned to do! It’s to complete the assignment!
Abraham was just like this. He was given a project to be the father of many nations and God gave Abraham an unlimited budget to fulfill that purpose. If it were dead, God would bring it to life! If it didn’t exist, God would create it. WOW! But Abraham couldn’t use these things for his personal purposes. He had to complete the project the Father assigned. The money wasn’t his; it was his to use for the Father’s purposes alone.
I, too, have been given certain gifts and blessings, but they are for the Father’s purposes, not mine. Therefore, I need to develop them and put them into the Father’s business.
Father, Abraham is an exemplar to me. Help me not to waste time but instead focus on the assignment You gave me. May I steward Your gifts and resources well and be able to say, as Jesus said in Luke 2 … “I must be about My Father’s business.”