Zeal Without Knowledge

by Wayne Cordeiro on May 29, 2023

Good morning! It is Monday, May 29, 2023. Social constructs, fake news, media opinions, and underlying political agendas bombard us more than ever in history. Others passionately impose their agendas on the public, leaving no choice but to accept... or be marginalized. The Israelites did that too, but they were left only with regret in the end. Read on...

Today's Reading:
Proverbs 10,11,12; Romans 10


“I can testify about them [the Israelites] that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own …” (Romans 10:1-3)


The Israelites had zeal, but their passion was their own concoction. It looked sincere and enthusiastic, but it was based on their personalized view and perspective. We’ve seen this kind of misled passion, haven’t we? Protestors screaming vulgarity at any who oppose them - even though, after some measure of scrutiny, we all realize that they had little to no idea what their protest was really all about. We’ve also seen government leaders passionately affirm that “science” should decide how we live … even though “science” has often been proven inaccurate and misleading time and time again.


Religion can do the same. We can get quite zealous about certain things yet be mistaken. Jesus addressed it squarely when speaking to the Pharisees: "You err because you know not the Scriptures" (Matt. 22:29). Christians err primarily because we do not know or refuse to know the Scriptures, so we make up our own. We are surrounded by "the Gospel according to my view." The world will not be influenced by our zealous words. It will be, however, transformed by God's eternal Word!


Lord Jesus, the world needs to know Your Word and Your heart. Regardless of what the media purports, in the end, only what You say will last. People are often swayed by zeal. However, may it be that people are not "swayed" but redeemed by Your eternal Word.

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