Servanthood at its Best

by Wayne Cordeiro on January 17, 2022

It’s Monday, January 17th, 2022. In many places, ministry has become a lucrative business that’s professionally promoted. However, here in today’s lesson, we have something quite the opposite. It’s volunteerism. It’s willing generosity. It’s serving from the heart. Want to know what Jesus thinks of that?
Read on …

Today's Reading:
Genesis 42,43; Psalms 5; Luke 17


“… He does not thank the slave because he did the things that were commanded, does he? So, you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy slaves, we have done only which we ought to have done.’” (Luke 17:6-10)


We have an oft-forgotten aspect of servanthood that we need to resurrect. Here, a servant doesn’t expect an award ceremony. He doesn’t demand accolades, nor does he look for adulation. Biblical servanthood doesn’t fit today’s mindset, nor does it match contemporary ways, but it does bless the Father’s heart


A servant’s mindset is expressed when he is joyful in the doing.The servant’s heart is delighted not in the applause he gets but much more in the application he gives. It’s the gladness of having the privilege of serving. 

We often denigrate true servanthood to some kind of citizen’s volunteering that requires enormous amounts of tributes, honor awards, and praise; otherwise, they’ll not return. 

However, a biblical servant’s heart is different altogether. The joy of having served is plenty enough! Knowing that we got to do it for an audience of One makes the heart full. 

I want to serve, preach, help, counsel, whatever … simply for the joy of serving Jesus! Everything else is icing on the cake. What a privilege. It isn’t a “have to.” 
It’s a “get to!”


Father, please increase the development of a servant’s heart within me. I want to serve You for no other reason than the joy and privilege of doing so. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of Your plan! I am honored and feel so fortunate to be called a servant of the Most High! It just doesn’t get any better!

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